Running "terraspace up stack" is slow

When running “terraspace up $stackname,” we are noticing a ~20-25sec delay before the"Building .terraspace-cache/…" appears. Is this normal? If not, any ideas how to make it faster?


Decided to move this up and release a patch.

Amazing - much faster! Thank you! Looking forward to the new release that you’re working on!

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I’m wondering if we can cache or otherwise add an option to optimise the outputs from other stacks.
We see a large delay while terraspace builds and runs “terraform output” on parent stacks to obtain the output necessary to inject into the child stack. As Terraspace (understandably) runs terraform to get the output as we have some relatively deep nesting and this can take minutes for terraform to run as it has to scan all of the parent stacks doing a full terraform run (refreshing state, getting resources, etc)

When doing development on the leaf nodes, this adds a significant delay to each plan/apply step as you have to wait for terraspace. It would be great to enable caching of the output files so that the parent stacks are fetched once and then the output is reused so we only have to run terraform on the leaf stack.

Obviously outside of a development cycle you would want to run the full tree