Hi all,
Just wondered if anyone had seen this issue, or if I’ve set things up incorrectly. I have a test that configures a test harness in the following way. Basically I’m using the project config folder, which includes a boot.rb file that sets some environment variables.
terraspace.build_test_harness( name: "cloudwatch-synthetics-int-harness", modules: "../../../modules", config: "../../../../config/", tfvars: {'cloudwatch-synthetics': "spec/fixtures/tfvars/test.tfvars"}, )
When I run the tests, the config files are used (aws provider/backend), but it doesn’t appear that boot.rb has run, as the environment variables are not set. I know the file works when running terraspace normally, so I was wondering if this is an issue with rspec-terraspace, and if anyone else had seen it?