Hi, is it possible to adding an additional path to load hooks?
I was thinking of extracting my reusable hooks as gem.
Is there any suggestion to achieve this?
Currently, no way to configure additional hook paths. Think adding additional paths wouldn’t be too bad. Unsure.
Curious, what are the reusable hooks you’re thinking of packaging as a gem?
Maybe a way to add all the conventional paths within the gem or folder structure may be a decent approach. Unsure.
The hooks I’m using are mostly for the linter purpose (fmt, validate, tfsec, etc). I typically run this before the tf plan
That’s a great use for hooks. Would like to see this ability added. Then hooks can simply be added with a gem or folder. Unsure when will take a look. Will also consider PRs. Of course. No sweat either way. The relevant hooks code is here terraspace/lib/terraspace/hooks at master · boltops-tools/terraspace · GitHub
Thanks! let me try adding this functionality and creating a pull request
Meanwhile, I created a gem to expose the hooks as Ruby Classes.
We still need to adding the hooks declaration to the config directory though.