Logs - Can't get consistent logs

Hi there,

Having a little hard time with logs.
Below is what I have in my app.rb

Terraspace.configure do |config|
  # logger = Logger.new($stdout)
  # logger.level = :debug
  config.logger.level = :info
  config.test_framework = "rspec"

When I do a terraspace logs -f I get following … (list of files on my /log/up and /log/down, mostly created by hand).
Some files have content others don’t.
When I do a terraspace logs it would say even for some files that have content.

WARN: No logs found

going to the /tmp/terraspace/log/init folder I would see some files (most recently worked on), but still getting the warning above.

From the docs I saw a couple of flags like logger level, root directory, etc… played with them but still no consistent results, Am I missing any configuration? Can you point me to the docs?

Thank you