Reducing Cold Start Time in Ruby on Jets Deployments


I’m using Ruby on Jets to deploy a serverless application on AWS Lambda; but I’m noticing high cold start times, especially for functions with larger dependencies. Even with warm instances, occasional cold starts cause delays; impacting response times. I’ve tried reducing the size of my Lambda package, but the improvement is minimal. :innocent:

Are there specific optimizations in Jets, such as preloading libraries, adjusting memory allocation / tweaking IAM permissions, that can help reduce cold start latency? :thinking:

Would using Lambda provisioned concurrency or a custom runtime be a better approach? I’d love to hear what has worked for others deploying Jets applications at scale. :thinking:

I found this guide on optimizing Lambda cold starts: Concurrency - Jets Serverless Deployment Service Minitab but I’d appreciate Jets-specific strategies to improve performance. :innocent:

Thank you !! :slightly_smiling_face: