I’ve been working with Terraspace for a few days and it is terrific, love the inter-stack dependencies, auto tf-state backend creation, and ootb Azure, AWS plugins, + a lot more. Ran into an issue with Terraform local-file creation… When terraspace all up is utilized to build stack-based resources, e.g. my main.tf is under /app/stacks// directory, and has the Terraform local-file resource like this.
resource “local_file” “akskubeconfig3” {
depends_on = [
content = “TEST Random String in current directory”
filename = “${var.maz_shortprefix}_kubecontxt”
… When using terraspace all up, this file is not seen/created anywhere in the .terraspace-cache or any local directory. However if I were to do terraspace init, build and then use plain terraform init, plan and apply within the stack/mod directory, it does generate the file. Is there anything that I’m doing incorrectly? Or is local file outputs not supported by terraspace?
$ terraspace up demo -y
Building .terraspace-cache/us-west-2/dev/stacks/demo
Built in .terraspace-cache/us-west-2/dev/stacks/demo
Current directory: .terraspace-cache/us-west-2/dev/stacks/demo
=> terraform plan -input=false -out /tmp/terraspace/plans/demo-d823004442d6bc3a7a2d7c8e4d4d580c.plan
random_pet.this: Refreshing state... [id=correct-urchin]
local_file.foo: Refreshing state... [id=4bf3e335199107182c6f7638efaad377acc7f452]
module.bucket.aws_s3_bucket.this: Refreshing state... [id=bucket-correct-urchin]
An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
+ create
Terraform will perform the following actions:
# local_file.foo will be created
+ resource "local_file" "foo" {
+ content = "foo!"
+ directory_permission = "0777"
+ file_permission = "0777"
+ filename = "./foo.bar"
+ id = (known after apply)
Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
This plan was saved to: /tmp/terraspace/plans/demo-d823004442d6bc3a7a2d7c8e4d4d580c.plan
To perform exactly these actions, run the following command to apply:
terraform apply "/tmp/terraspace/plans/demo-d823004442d6bc3a7a2d7c8e4d4d580c.plan"
=> terraform apply -auto-approve -input=false /tmp/terraspace/plans/demo-d823004442d6bc3a7a2d7c8e4d4d580c.plan
local_file.foo: Creating...
local_file.foo: Creation complete after 0s [id=4bf3e335199107182c6f7638efaad377acc7f452]
Apply complete! Resources: 1 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
bucket_name = "bucket-correct-urchin"
Time took: 3s
Hi @tung - first off… thank you for looking into this issue. Fully agree with your findings above. I even verified your findings by not only using terraspace up demo but also terraspace all up (abbreviated to TAU). So, the difference b/w the demo case above and my case is that there’s only one stack to build in the above. So I created another demo case that has two stacks, demo creates foofile, demo2 creates barfile, and I tried the following test cases:
No dependency ‘wiring’ b/w both demo and demo2 stacks. Executed TAU, and both foo and bar files are created successfully.
Dependency of demo and demo2 were “wired together” (per https://terraspace.cloud/docs/dependencies/deploy-multiple/), and then TAU was executed. Foo file is not found, but bar is. Something is probably rebuilding the .terraspace-cache directory b/w dependent stack “batch runs” that removes the earlier stack’s local-files …
$ terraspace all up
Building one stack to build all stacks
Building .terraspace-cache/us-east-2/dev/stacks/demo2
Downloading tfstate files for dependencies defined in tfvars…
Built in .terraspace-cache/us-east-2/dev/stacks/demo2
Will run:
terraspace up demo # batch 1
terraspace up demo2 # batch 2
Are you sure? (y/N) y
Batch Run 1:
Running: terraspace up demo Logs: log/up/demo.log
terraspace up demo: Apply complete! Resources: 1 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
Batch Run 2:
Running: terraspace up demo2 Logs: log/up/demo2.log
terraspace up demo2: Apply complete! Resources: 1 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
Time took: 18s
foofile (demo stack) is not found
$ cat .terraspace-cache/us-east-2/dev/stacks/demo/
.terraform/ backend.tf outputs.tf variables.tf
.terraform.lock.hcl main.tf provider.tf
$ cat .terraspace-cache/us-east-2/dev/stacks/demo/foofile
cat: .terraspace-cache/us-east-2/dev/stacks/demo/foofile: No such file or directory
In short, you can set config.build.clean_cache = false
Terraspace.configure do |config|
config.logger.level = :info
config.test_framework = "rspec"
config.build.clean_cache = false
Unsure though if terraform stacks should rely on local files from other stacks. It somewhat feels weird, but maybe am missing something. Hope that helps!
I was just about to post a new discussion but this seems similar enough. I am running into a similar issue where I want to use one stack (files stack) to build a dynamic.tf file in another stack. Not in the ts cache directory but in the app/stacks/ directory using a tf local_file resource. This is to get around the dynamic provider issue where I want to deploy resources in multiple azure subscriptions.
The files stack builds the dynamic.tf in the ts cache directory, but when I run the real stack, these files get removed.
I was able to run vanilla terraform against the files stack and it created the dynamic.tf files in the app/stacks directory, but that doesnt feel right.
I will try to disable the clean_cache. will that casue any other problems?