Hi @tung,
I would like to know how force_unlock works?
I got an error when I tried to unlock my tfstate using terraspace force_unlock stack_name id
Created .terraspace-cache/dev/westeurope/stacks/cdp_vmss_linux/outputs.tf
Created .terraspace-cache/dev/westeurope/stacks/cdp_vmss_linux/variables.tf
Layers for cdp_vmss_linux:
Created .terraspace-cache/dev/westeurope/stacks/cdp_vmss_linux/1-base.auto.tfvars
Built in .terraspace-cache/dev/westeurope/stacks/cdp_vmss_linux
Current directory: .terraspace-cache/dev/westeurope/stacks/cdp_vmss_linux
=> terraform force-unlock -force 009e3fcf-374f-9e8c-5602-a96b2facb6b8
Waiting 2s before retrying
Terraform reinitialization required detected. Will run `terraform init` and try again.
Retry attempt: 2
=> terraform init -get -input=false >> /tmp/terraspace/log/init/cdp_vmss_linux.log
│ Error: Either an Access Key / SAS Token or the Resource Group for the Storage Account must be specified - or Azure AD Authentication must be enabled
=> terraform force-unlock -force 009e3fcf-374f-9e8c-5602-a96b2facb6b8
ERROR after max retries 1: ╷
│ Error: Backend initialization required, please run "terraform init"
│ Reason: Initial configuration of the requested backend "azurerm"
At the end I unlocked my tfstate by going to my stack folder in .terraspace-cache folder to run terraform command force-unlock manually with the giving id (which was wrong then the terraform command gave me the right id)
I don’t remember if I made something wrong however my question:
Why the log shows a different layering when performing force_unlock?
This is my current backend key config:
key = “<%= expansion(’:APP/:ENV/:LOCATION/:BUILD_DIR/terraform.tfstate’) %>”
(so in cache =.terraspace-cache/cdp/dev/westeurope/stacks/cdp_vmss_linux/terraform.tfstate)
but why does the force_unlock command generate a different “backend key” then ?
(so in cache = .terraspace-cache/dev/westeurope/stacks/cdp_vmss_linux/)
or may I guess it’s an issue when we have a custom “backend key”?
That’s the reason I got the error ?
I hope my question is clear as I am trying to understand the reason of my error.
btw: it seems that force_unlock and force-unlock commands can be used. I guess it’s better to use force-unlock as it’s the same command name as terraform