Terraspace plan all gets stuck when mock values are used in tfvars

We have different stack for rg and networking. Tried to use the outputs from rg stack to create a plan and mock if the dependent stack is not created.

rg_name = <%= output('az_rg.dt_resource_group_name', mock: 'testrg') %>

Ran a terraspace plan az_network after that but seems like it gets stuck.

Log Output says this

root@ALDLT5CG951412G:/mnt/d/SITAWork/pubCloud/Tests/demo-digital-twin/log# tail -f plan/az_rg.log
# Logfile created on 2022-04-06 13:22:00 +0100 by logger.rb/v1.4.3
I, [2022-04-06T13:22:00.911536 #567]  INFO -- terraspace plan az_rg: Current directory: .terraspace-cache/westeurope/dev/stacks/az_rg
D, [2022-04-06T13:22:01.268152 #567] DEBUG -- terraspace plan az_rg: Resource Group dev-westeurope already exists
I, [2022-04-06T13:22:01.268735 #567]  INFO -- terraspace plan az_rg: Creating Resource Group dev-westeurope...
I, [2022-04-06T13:22:22.865444 #578]  INFO -- terraspace plan az_rg: Current directory: .terraspace-cache/westeurope/dev/stacks/az_rg
I, [2022-04-06T13:22:23.230264 #578]  INFO -- terraspace plan az_rg: Creating Resource Group dev-westeurope...
I, [2022-04-06T13:22:24.792794 #578]  INFO -- terraspace plan az_rg: Creating Storage Account tsadcewesteuropedev...
I, [2022-04-06T13:22:46.819938 #578]  INFO -- terraspace plan az_rg: Creating Storage Blob Container terraform-state...
I, [2022-04-06T13:22:47.098288 #578]  INFO -- terraspace plan az_rg: => terraform init -get -input=false >> /tmp/terraspace/log/init/az_rg.log

Will probably need more info. Put together an example repo and with the use of a mock value. Example:

Debugging Session Example

$ terraspace all up -y
    terraspace up b1 # batch 1
    terraspace up a1 # batch 2
Batch Run 1:
Running: terraspace up b1 Logs: log/up/b1.log
terraspace up b1:  Changes to Outputs:
terraspace up b1:  Apply complete! Resources: 1 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
Batch Run 2:
Running: terraspace up a1 Logs: log/up/a1.log
terraspace up a1:  Changes to Outputs:
terraspace up a1:  Apply complete! Resources: 1 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
Time took: 5s

$ terraspace all down -y
    terraspace down a1 # batch 1
    terraspace down b1 # batch 2
Batch Run 1:
Running: terraspace down a1 Logs: log/down/a1.log
terraspace down a1:  Changes to Outputs:
terraspace down a1:  Changes to Outputs:
terraspace down a1:  Destroy complete! Resources: 1 destroyed.
Batch Run 2:
Running: terraspace down b1 Logs: log/down/b1.log
terraspace down b1:  Changes to Outputs:
terraspace down b1:  Changes to Outputs:
terraspace down b1:  Destroy complete! Resources: 1 destroyed.
Time took: 6s


Seem to work fine with testing. An example repo reproducing the issue would help.