Looking for Guidance on Using BoltOps to Optimise Deployment Pipelines

Hello Everyone :hugs:,

I’m reaching out to seek some advice and insights regarding optimizing deployment pipelines using BoltOps. I’ve been using BoltOps for a while now, and while it’s been great for managing and automating our deployments, I’m looking for ways to fine-tune our setup to enhance efficiency and streamline our processes further.

Here’s a brief overview of our current setup:

  • Infrastructure: We’re using AWS with various services including EC2, RDS, and Lambda.
  • CI/CD Pipeline: Our current pipeline is managed through GitHub Actions, with BoltOps handling the deployment phase.
  • Deployment Strategy: We’re utilizing a blue-green deployment strategy to minimize downtime and ensure smooth rollouts.

I’ve encountered a few areas where I believe improvements could be made, and I would appreciate any guidance or suggestions from the community:

  1. Handling Large Scale Deployments: What best practices have you found effective for managing large-scale deployments? :thinking: Are there specific BoltOps features or configurations that can help with scaling? :thinking:

  2. Optimizing Deployment Times: We’re noticing some delays during deployment, especially with larger applications. Are there any BoltOps optimizations or strategies that can help reduce deployment times? :thinking:

  1. Error Handling and Rollbacks: How do you manage error handling and rollback processes in your deployments? :thinking: Any tips on leveraging BoltOps for more robust error management and automated rollbacks? :thinking:

  2. Monitoring and Alerts: What tools or integrations do you use for monitoring deployment health and setting up alerts? :thinking: How does BoltOps fit into this uipath process? :thinking:

Thank you :pray: in advance.